By the end of the course, students will be able to:
situate the social importance of contemporary migratory flows;
understand their impact on the construction of social relations;
make sociological sense of the meaning, genesis and developments of 'ethnic minorities in Europe'.

Main themes
To present the possible theoretical frameworks of a sociology of migratory phenomena.
To provide the elements of a sociology of culture, and one of public space, thereby facilitating an understanding of the social organisation of difference.

Content and teaching methods
History and the place of migrations in 20th century Europe.
Concepts developed by the sociology of migrations.
Discussion on the concept of integration, and drawing up a theoretical framework that makes it possible to understand contemporary migratory phenomena.

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
A basic understanding of sociology in the form of a traditional oral examination, or on the basis of work done in a sub group or individually, depending on the circumstances.
Some reference texts will be provided.

Other credits in programs
Diplôme d'études spécialisées en anthropologie
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Master en sociologie et anthropologie (option anthropologie)
Master en sociologie et anthropologie (option sociologie)
