Psycho-sociology is a method of analysing the social phenomena in which the actors' experiences are given prominence. That is why the application is broad-based, and ranges from an understanding of discourses to situations of interactions between actors.
Social and individual production will be closely combined. The course aims to demonstrate these complexities and to separate out the elements.

Content and teaching methods
The psycho-sociological method will be introduced and illustrated according to an intervention model in the institution that displays the large number of (i.e. intra- and inter-subjective, and individual and collective) discourses, and therefore of their targets. This plurality establishes a dialectic which constitutes the process of change. Using this intervention model as a basis, several themes will deepen the processes of the collective's functioning (e.g. conduits of expression, imaginary productions, and the reification of the institution). In this way, the nature and content of expressive acts in groups whose processes one is attempting to understand can be clarified by successive strokes. Lastly, acts of comprehension both for actors and for sociologists will be related to their existential positions.
A professorial course.

Other credits in programs
Deuxième licence en sociologie
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