- Multidisciplinary inventory about the various models of ipsychotherapeutic ntervention (theories and practices) and their by-products in western societies
- Formation to the critic interpretation of these models by their comparative study according to their ideologies, their perceptions of the human (individual, person, subject) and interpretations of the sexual and relational symptoms
- Drawing of the structural lines of force and of constants in the processes aiming at the building of a clinical anthropology.

Main themes
- Elaboration of a model of polarized clinical field describing the familial, conjugal and sexual therapies with respect to all the clinical practices in effect
- Presentation of a tool to analyse the representations and clinical practices with 6 criterions : context, frame, relation, competence, model (myth), technics (rite).
- Inventory of the clinical " market " and application of the analytical tool to the representations and practices of the identified models : organicist medical clinics, medical sexology, psychology of behaviour, humanist psychology, transactional analysis, sexual socio-paedagogy, systemic analysis, marriage counseling, Gestalt psychology, phenomenological and existantial psycho-therapies, freudian, jungian, kleinian, lacanian psychoanalysis andt egopsychology.
- Discussion of the agreements, articulations and antagonisms between models, trends and schools. Identification of the ways to access formations, institutions and practices

Content and teaching methods
The course is given in co-teaching, each teacher assuring 15 hours of course.
The program includes the reading of reference works about therapy, and courses given by each teacher developing paradigms or therapeutical practices in their field of competence.
Active participation of the students in the presentation of specific therapeutical tehcnics.

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
Course SEX 2460 Familial, conjugal and sexual psychology
Evaluation based on the students active participation : their text, their oral presentation and their interventions in the debates
Texts prepared by the participants, and recommended readings:
" De la didactique à la clinique ", in Recherche et formation en sexologie, Journée d'études de l'IEFS, Comptes-rendus, LLN, 1975, 44-47 ; " Sexologies : discours et désirs. Analyse des motivations sous-tendant les conceptions théoriques et attitudes cliniques en sexologie ", in Acta Psychiatria Belgica, 76, 834-860, repris in Cah. des Sc. fam. et sex., n° 1, LLN, 1976 ; " Aux confins de la sexotherapie et de la psychanalyse : imagination, communication et sexualité en analyse existentielle ", in Cah. de Sexologie clinique, vol. 4, 21, Paris, 1978, 257-262 ; " En d'autres mots : quelques notes d'analyse existentielle au sujet de la psychothéra-pie, in Psychothérapies, vol., 1, n° 1, Genève, 1981, 31-36 ; " Le marché de la sexologie : modèles théori-ques et cliniques en fonction de l'interprétation du symptôme, in Cah. des Sc. fam. conj. et sex., n° 5, LLN, mai 1982, 195-247 ; " Formation et identité en psychothérapie ", in Psychothérapies, vol. 3, n° 1, Genève, 1983, 41-54 ; " La parole dans la psychanalyse et les processus langagiers dans l'inconscient ", in Psycho-thérapies, vol . 7 , n° 4, Genève, 1987, 187-197.

Other credits in programs
Deuxième licence en sciences de la famille et de la sexualité
(7 credits)
