Detailed analytical study of a particular dimension of sexuality based on clinical texts. The theme may change each year according to the social and scientific problematics, namely the themes of the colloques of the Institut d'Etudes de la Famille et de la Sexualité

Main themes
Some examples of themes treated or to be treated :
- Violences and order in families and couples
- Human and sexual desire: trajectories, object and cause
- Clinics of some sexual variations : perversions, inhibitions, rovings
- The relation with the other one between enamoured satisfaction and passion joy
- The construction of sexual identity, in relation with the individual, the person and the subject
- Identity and otherness : the question of the other one (sexual, generational, cultural) and of the Other one (the inconscient, the language, the repository third party) between acceptation, tolerance, rebellion and rejection
- Clinics, sociology and right of the transsexualisms
- Impairment, trauma and et repetition : familial events and structural inscription
- Construction of a clinical anthropology of sexuality
- Etc..

Content and teaching methods
Thorough analytical study of a particular dimension of sexuality based on documentations. The theme changes each year.

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
Course SEX 2460 Familial, conjugal and sexual psychology
Oral examination, eventually based on a question detailed by the student
Bibliography and texts (eventually) given during the course. Recommended works :
Steichen R. et Servais P. (dir.), Individu, personne, sujet ? Identification et identités dans les famille, Ed. Academia/Bruylant, LLN, 1997 ; Presvelou C. et Steichen R. (dir.), Le Familier et l'Etranger : dialectiques de l'accueil et du rejet, Ed. Academia/Bruylant, LLN, 1998 ; Steichen R., " L'épreuve identitaire ou le mal pour le bien ", in Marquet J. et Bonmariage J. (dir.), L'enfant entre maltraitance et protection, Ed. Acade-mia/Bruylant, LLN, 2001

Other credits in programs
Diplôme d'études spécialisées en anthropologie
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Deuxième licence en information et communication (Analyse des médias)
(2 credits)
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Première licence en sciences de la famille et de la sexualité
(2 credits)
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Deuxième licence en sciences de la famille et de la sexualité
(2 credits)
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