The acquisition of a specific research technic: the case study through an approach of the theoretical and technical aspects.

Main themes
Theoretical aspect : social construction of the individual (relation individual/culture); individual complexities (dispositional and contextual dimensions of the individual); problems of generalization and abstraction; attitude of the researcher in relation with the knowledge.
Technical aspect : gathering of data; interviews on a theme (successive interviews with a same person about different practices, behaviours and representations concerning a theme or different contexts); direct observation (data analysis of the interview and relation with the theoretical device).

Content and teaching methods
The seminar is centered on the learning and organisation of a particular technique of research, the case study.
It consists in fact of theoretical lectures and of active involvment of the students having to present their research project and to discuss with the whole group its organisation and its methodological relevance.
The seminar is preferentially centered on the research projects undertaken for their final work (mémoire).
The organisation will depend of the number of students: application of the method to specific projects if this is allowed by the evolution of the project and by the number of students, otherwise imposed subject.

Other credits in programs
Deuxième licence en sciences de la famille et de la sexualité
(2 credits)
