- To continue and to complete the course SEX 2570 Familial, conjugal and sexual therapies, by applying the same process to an enlarged field which analyses the clinical representations and practices.
- In this aim, to go further into the themes and components having a "universal" character drawn in the clinics. To consider the psycho-clinical approaches of the immigrant populations, the data from clinical transcultural psychology, from ethnography of the traditional healing practices and from ethnopsychiatry.
- To contribute in this way to the construction of a clinical anthropology with prospective aiming.

Main themes
- Reformulation of the model (of the clinical field) and of the tool of analysis (model with 6 criteria), by completing it (model of the representations of the causalities).
- Identification of the actual scholar and traditional discourses : social and cultural anthropology, traditional knowledge and ethnosciences, ethnopsychiatry, clinical anthropology (medical, psychiatric, psychological, psychanalytic) and their relations with an anthropology of the development and prospective.
- Study of the main themes in the above discourse : " otherness " exotic, "cultural" personality and "ethnical" identity ; religion, beliefs, myths and rites, therapeutical efficiency (real, imaginary and symbolic) ; influence, suggestion and transfers ; divination, second sight, premonition, shamanism, trance, possession, sorcery, ...
- Study of the systems of representations and of the clinical practices in the great cultural worlds : parallel medicines and parapsychological practice, sorcery and dyspossessions in the West ; the constants and et variants of shamanism in Asia and in America ; the traditional diseasesand healers of the Andes ; the fetishist practices and the " new prophetic churches in Africa ; the healing arabo-muslim practices (koranic and from the worship of the saints) in Europe and in the Maghreb ; the practices of the doctors and diviners in the bön, buddhist and tantric traditions in central Asia.

Content and teaching methods
Interactive seminar. All the students have to critically identify one of the themes or clinical systems evoked, applying to this analytical tool, writing a documented text to transmit, to present verbally and to thrash it out.

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
Course SEX 2570 Familial, conjugal and sexual therapies
Evaluation based on the students active participation : their text, their verbal presentation and their interventions in the débats.
Recommended readings :
Affergan Fr (dir.), Construire le savoir anthropologique, PUF, Paris, 1999
Devereux G., Essais d'ethnopsychiatrie générale (1970), Gallimard, Paris, 1977 ; Ethnopsychanalyse com-plémentariste (1972), Flammarion, Paris, 1985 ; De l'angoisse à la méthode, Flammarion, Paris, 1980 ; Au-bier, Paris, 1994.
Divers auteurs , " Anthropologie psychanalytique ", L'Homme , Revue française d'Anthropologie, n° 149, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences sociales, Paris, 1999 ;
Laplantine Fr., Clefs pour l'anthropologie, Coll. Clefs, Seghers, Pars, 1987 ; Anthropologie de la maladie. Etude ethnologique des systèmes de représentations étiologiques et thérapeutiques dans la société occiden-tale contemporaine, Payot, Paris, 1986, 1992.
Nathan T., La folie des autres : traité d'ethnopsychiatrie clinique, Dunod, Paris, 1986 ; Le sperme du dia-ble : éléments d'ethnopsychiatrie, PUF, Paries, 1988 ; L'influence qui guérit, Ed. Odile Jacob, Paris, 1995.
Steichen R., " L'identité du sujet : sa construction et ses nominations ", in Steichen R. et Servais P. (dir.), Individu, personne, sujet ? Identification et identités dans les familles, Ed. Academia-Bruylant, LLN, 1997, 11-46 ; " Figures de l'altérité : les autres et l'Autre ", in Presvelou C. et Steichen R. (dir.), Le Familier et l'étranger : dialectiques de l'accueil et du rejet, Ed. Academia-Bruylant, LLN, 1998, 39-57.

Other credits in programs
Diplôme d'études spécialisées en anthropologie
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Première licence en sciences de la famille et de la sexualité
(2 credits)
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Deuxième licence en sciences de la famille et de la sexualité
(3.5 credits)
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