The course aims to raise the awareness of the students to the basic methodological elements needed to analyse the literature in human sciences, to build a final project of research and to bring it into play.

Main themes
- The main epistemologies in the study of family and sexuality
- The structure of a scientific research
- Research as a process
- The construction of a research question
- Investigation of the literature
- The construction of a model of analysis
- The confrontation of the model with the "empirie"
- Relation between the question of research and the interpretation of the data
- The types and designs of research in studies on family and sexuality
- The propsective, retrospective and transversal studies
- The descriptive and experimental studies
- The case studies, group and population studies

Content and teaching methods
The various themes are presented in lectures and exercices of bibliographical research, of construction of research questions and of studies designs are realised by the students for the course.

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
Use of the bibliographical databases in human sciences with the language abilities needed for it.
Written examination and a personal work on the construction of a final research project
Diaporama.PPT provided to the students and a bibliography.

Other credits in programs
Première licence en sciences de la famille et de la sexualité
(4.5 credits)
