At the end of this course, the students should be able :
- to distinguish what are the laws and the specificities of the juridical approach with respect to the other human sciences ;
- to distinguish the object, the specificities, the content and the methods of the family law with respect to the other fields of the law ;
- to approach and to resolve the various familial problems through the civil law in the field of the relations parents-children on one hand and of the relations inside the couple on the other hand.

Main themes
Definition of the law of its characteristics and of its methods
- Analysis of the notion of family and kinship in the law
- Definition of the family law, its sources and its characteristics
- Analysis of the various fields in the family law :
1 Relations parents-children :
Parental authority
Support obligations
2 Relations of the couple :
Conditions of the wedding
Effects of the wedding
Slackness and dissolution of the wedding
Relations of the couple outside the wedding

Content and teaching methods
This course introduces first the students to the law and the juridical method with respect to the other human sciences and then to the family law with respect to the other fields of law.
It also aims at allowing the students to approach the familial problems through the law, mainly the civil law, in the field of the relations parents-children on one hand and in the field of the relations of the couple on the other hand.
Presentation of the principles namely through some practical examples of applications (sham or real). During the course, transparents systematically give the structure of the course (and of the syllabus) and the texts of the laws studied. The examples are often illustrated by transparents giving namely the practical examples of real applications (procedural acts, judgments, etc

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
Verbal examination with two questions. One question induces a response in the form of a report of the theoretical principles. The second question is a casus implying the application by the student of the theoretical principles studied to the solving of the case. The students have a time of preparation.
A syllabus with the theoretical principles studied (+ ou - 150 pages). A compendium of the texts giving the legal dispositions necessary for the course. The students can use it for the examination.

Other credits in programs
Deuxième licence en criminologie
(3.5 credits)
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Première licence en sciences de la famille et de la sexualité
(3.5 credits)
