- to raise the awareness of the students for the variables intertwining in the questions related to affective and sexual development, not only in the familial environment, but also at school and in the various educational institutions.
- to give the students the tools to discriminate the educational needs and actions in these fields. Special emphasis on the historical evolution of the mentalities and the late expansion of the research in 'family education', and on the specific questions related to infancy, adolescence and to the formation of couples.

Main themes
- Epistemological introduction according to the parameters and the normative systems governing the objectives and the practice of educational action aiming at the affective and sexual development, in the couple, the family and the other life environments.
- General historical survey showing the origin of the main present trends in sexual education and in familial education
- The child affective and sexual edcuation referring to the specific questions from birth up to 12; implications in the formation of parents and educators attitudes
- The affective and sexual education of the adolescent referring to the specific questions of maturation and of identity and relational adjustments of this age; questions of coeducation and of heterosexual quest; education role of the parents, the extrafamilial educators, the peers; models of intervention towards the different actors.
- The 'permanent' affective and sexual education, referring to the questions asked at the different ages of adult life, up to old age. Various subjects may be tackled: the couple formation or breaking up, the men and women's roles, parentality, etc.

Content and teaching methods
- to raise the awareness of the students for the variables intertwining in the questions related to affective and sexual development, not only in the familial environment, but also at school and in the various educational institutions.
- to give the students the tools to discriminate the educational needs and actions in these fields. Special emphasis on the historical evolution of the mentalities and the late expansion of the research in 'family education', and on the specific questions related to infancy, adolescence and to the formation of couples

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
Lectures, with exchanges on the basis of proposed texts.
A specific bibliography is proposed and commented at the beginning of the course.

Other credits in programs
Troisième licence en sciences psychologiques (Psychologie du développement et société)
(3 credits)
Première licence en sciences de la famille et de la sexualité
(3.5 credits)
