Main themes
Unsealed sources: specific operational radioprotection; problems in a TEP unit, international recommendations and specific legislation; quality control; dose to patient evaluation (advanced discussions) ; dose optimisation ; conditions for hospitalisation and waste disposal (type of instructions, new radioprotection techniques, special paediatric questions).
Radiotherapy: specific operational radioprotection; legislation and international norms ; quality control and quality assurance program ; evaluation and optimisation of dose to patient (advanced discussion) ; new techniques in radioprotection ; specific paediatric question ; sealed sources in brachytherapy ; procedures for loading and unloading sources ; quality control and source storage conditions ; type of instructions to the patients.
Imaging: specific operational radioprotection; legislation and international norms ; quality control and quality assurance program ; evaluation and optimisation of dose to patient (advanced discussion) ; new techniques in radioprotection ; specific paediatric question
Detailed regulation for control/ European directives.
PS : part of RPR2120 (Evaluation of the risk of radioactive rejections in the environment in normal and accidental situation and emergency plans for the nuclear risks) must be followed as prerequisite : iodine administration in the event of nuclear accident.

Other credits in programs
Première annnée du diplôme d'études spécialisées en santé publique (Physique d'hôpital)
Deuxième annnée du diplôme d'études spécialisées en santé publique (Contrôle physique en radioprotection)
