Encourage students to further develop their knowledge of Italian literature and culture
Encourage students to develop their analytical abilities and their literary sensibility.
Encourage students to read and understand Italian literary texts.
Introduce students to a new field of research.

Main themes
Presentation of two critical questions on the basis of reading and interpreting key texts of Italian medieval, Renaissance, and baroque literature.
With special attention to the birth of theatre and opera, studied as dramatic texts, and the short story.
Students of the "première licence" are expected to read and understand the literary texts examined in the course, as well as the lectures given by the teacher.
Students of the "deuxième licence" will be provided with an extra list of scholarly articles

Content and teaching methods
First term: the origins of the theatre.
Second term: the construction of the short stories in Boccaccio's Decamerone.
The course is for the most part lectures. Students will be expected to prepare a talk. After a historical and cultural introduction to the subjects chosen, the course will involve in-depth textual analysis.

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
Prerequisite: A good knowledge of the Italian language.
Oral examination.
Resources: List of articles for students of the "deuxième licence".

Other credits in programs
Diplôme d'études spécialisées en études italiennes
(4.5 credits)
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Première licence en langues et littératures romanes
(4.5 credits)
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Deuxième licence en langues et littératures romanes
(4.5 credits)
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