To give students an opportunity to discover the history of the constitution of proper and place names in the Gallo-Roman territories. To show how proper names, while being specific, take part in the history and life of the languages in which they have emerged and to which they have adapted.
To draw attention to the importance of proper names in contemporary society. In addition, to see how proper names function in literature.

Main themes
I. Proper-name studies / Anthroponymy
Characteristics of proper names and the anthroponymic system. More particularly, historical constitution of surnames in the Walloon and French linguistic areas.
II. Place-name studies / Toponymy
Characteristics of the toponymy and functioning of place names. More particularly, historical constitution of major and minor place names in the Walloon and French linguistic areas.

Content and teaching methods
I. Proper-name studies / Anthroponymy
Methods of the scientific study of proper names. History of proper names up to today; the various anthroponymic systems in the Gallo-Roman world and especially in French-speaking Belgium.
The characteristics of contemporary anthroponymy and the place of proper names in modern society, and also in literature. Exercises based on the dictionary Patronymica Romanica.
II. Place-names studies / Toponymy
Methods of the scientific study of place names; the contribution of toponymy. History of the constitution of place names up to today.
Principal characteristics of the toponymy of the Gallo-Roman territories, and especially in Wallonia. The administration of place names in modern society; and their use in literature.

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)

Other credits in programs
Première licence en langues et littératures romanes
(3.5 credits)
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Deuxième licence en langues et littératures romanes
(3.5 credits)
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