Study of the Belgian French literature, more specifically of the last 50 years of the XX century. We have a few works on this literature and we can now study it from some distance. This literature is important in the history of Belgium. Belgian litarature has become aware of its specificity. The purpose of the seminar is make some collective transdisciplinary analyses on the link between literature, history, the collective identities and the esthetic representations in the roman part of Belgium.

Main themes
During some ten years, the aim of the seminar is to reach the objectives described above. How ? Through systematically exploring the forms and literay history within the Belgian literature in the French language, over the last 5 decades of the XX century.
The seminar is an opportunity to get initated to collective research, oral and written presentation of research results. It is a first-rate introduction to the dissertation, which requests a lot of research and writing. In this context, it is first of all open to students, who write the on a subject of the Belgian literature in French.

Content and teaching methods
Study of the Belgian literature in French, more specifically of the last 50 years of the XX century. The purpose of the seminar is make some collective transdisciplinary analyses on the link between literature, history, the collective identities and the esthetic representations in the French-speaking part of Belgium. A series of major works of the considered period is suggested to the students, together with a chose bibliography and analysis grid with for each work questions on the type of link to the history, the literary history, the identity, the genre (the odd genre, the supernatural, tragedies, politics), the narrative plan, the style and the relationship to the language. Going back to the archives of the period and author is necessary in some cases.

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
Prerequisites : It is mandatory for the students, enrolled on the program of the Roman Studies, to have followed the course ²History of the Belgian literature in French² previously.
Other students are advised to be familiar with the History of the Belgian literature in French.
Evaluation : Formative assessment methods. The final mark is based on 3 parameters :
- regular presence and active participation at the seminar.
- an oral presentation.
The seminar starts with a theoretical lecture. After that, the students present orally their research, which is followed by a debate. Taking the debate into account, they write their final analysis, which can be the start of the dissertation.

Other credits in programs
Première licence en langues et littératures romanes
(3 credits)
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Deuxième licence en langues et littératures romanes
(3 credits)
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