To give ROM 1230 and ROM 1250 a more practical and technical dimension through the use of critical research and bibliographical tools in a personal research project. To study, on the basis of concrete cases, the establishment methods of Medieval texts.

Main themes
To train the student, through a personal research project, in the practice of Old and Middle French research methods and tools. Emphasis is placed on the basic problems dealt with by Medievalists: edition, dating, and localisation of texts. These must be studied on the basis of concrete cases - a starting point might be, for example, the critical examination of the text editions used in ROM 1230 and ROM 1250 - in order to ensure a better access to the advanced study of authors in the last two years of study and to provide a methodological foundation to research possibly leading to a thesis.

Content and teaching methods
In continuation with the course "Medieval French Authors II" (ROM 1250), this seminar aims to provide practical initiation to the research methods and tools of Old and Middle French, focussing on problems of textual edition and interpretation. A paper, the product of personal research, is required.

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
Personal work required.

Other credits in programs
Troisième année de bachelier en langues et littératures modernes et anciennes
(3 credits)
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Troisième année de bachelier en langues et littératures françaises et romanes, orientation générale
(3 credits)
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