The course objective is to provide an overture to the major, contemporary, theological currents in Africa, Asia, the United States and Latin America.

Main themes
A special question varying from year to year is studied.

Content and teaching methods
Each academic year, the course deals with a particular continental theology : Latin-America, Asia, Africa
2006-2007 :
Creole peoples were born out of societies where slavery was part of the plantation system. Most of these peoples are Christian, slaves having been baptised as soon as they arrived in those new lands. The Creole people of Mauritius (Indian Ocean) is an interesting example, even more as it is part of a multicultural and multireligious society.
The course will briefly present the history of Mauritius and of the Mascarenes (Indian Ocean islands) and will attempt to define in a broad sense the meaning of Creoleand of other associated anthropological concepts. What are the questions and challenges which are at stake while elaborating a theological reflexion in such a context ? How can Creole theology contribute to modern discussions on faith and culture ?

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
without object

Other credits in programs
Première licence en sciences religieuses (programme de base)
(2.5 credits)
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Certificat universitaire en sciences des religions
(2.5 credits)
