The course aims to teach students how to decipher the critical apparatus of New Testament editions and to analyse relationships between the different states of the text.

Main themes
The lectures are accompanied by exercises designed to help students learn methods.

Content and teaching methods
They are also illustrated by numerous examples and accompanied by exercises designed to stimulate the student's personal reflection.
Chap. 1 Notions of codicology and palaeography
Chap. 2 Witnesses to the New Testament text
Chap. 3 Editions of the New Testament
Chap. 4 Typology of variants in the New Testament

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
Prerequisites: RELI 1340 Fundamental Dogmatic Theology (THEO 1110)
Evaluation: Oral examination consisting in discussion duly argued, as to a New Testament variant.
Other: This course involves 10 hours of exercises: vol. student schedule 30-10.

Other credits in programs
Première licence en philologie biblique
(4 credits)
Deuxième licence en philologie biblique
(4 credits)
Première licence en sciences religieuses (programme de base)
(4 credits)
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