Acquire a reflexive practice of the teacher's profession, through the analysis of pedagogical situations met by the students during their teaching practises:
- learning to look calmly at the situations met during the teaching practises;
- acquiring a set of tools enabling the student to overcome the difficulties;
- individuating and integrating the learning steps useful in teaching religion.

Main themes
Every session will develop in 2 moments:
- sharing experiences of teaching practice, and collecting the questions that the students want to be discussed;
- working inter-disciplinarily one or two of these questions.
At the end of the seminar, the student compiles an evaluation grid where he/she has to define:
- the fundamental topics of the seminar;
- the usefulness for his/her teacher's practice;
- the difficulties that he/she met during the teaching practices;
- the new questions and the bibliographical researches stimulated by the seminar;
- the connections made with other courses attended by the student

Content and teaching methods
Each session of this seminary includes 2 different steps :
- a sharing out of experiences of teaching practices and collecting of questions/problems
- a workshop on 1/2 chosen questions.

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
Prerequisite :
RELI 2320 : Didactics of the religious education with the methodology of evaluation included
Premiers stages
RELI 2530 : Communication of a scientific knowledge in religious teaching
RELI 2230 : The legislative, political and socioeconomic aspects specific for religious education

Other credits in programs
Agrégation de l'enseignement secondaire supérieur (sciences religieuses)
(1 credits)
