The course aims to enable students to assess the real needs, desires and refusals of young Western people. By the end, the students should have acquired tools for analysis and intervention, allowing them to encounter and understand young people and to give them support in their reflections on life and faith.

Main themes
The course focuses on young Western people between the ages of 6 and 18. Without neglecting the previous stages of their lives, the course aims to determine the typical features of both their human and their religious development. It examines the function and impact of the different environments of faith-education, as well as their possible links. On this basis, the course asks how to promote an integrated education that takes account of the diversity of the situations and the requirements of religious education adapted to young people nowadays.

Content and teaching methods
In 2005-2006: Christian initiation and life in the faith of the young people from 0 to 18 years. The course presents their place in the church, family and community.The course will approach in particular all the links between waitings of the young people and waitings of the parents.

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
Without object
