Main themes
A. Production of radiotherapy beams :
- Cobalt-60,
- linear accelerators,
- neutron beams, proton beams, heavy ion beams.
B. Definition of dosimetry quantities for radiotherapy:
- PDD, RTM, RTA, OAR, isodoses, BSF, PSF.
C. Quality assurance in radiotherapy :
- definition and importance
- recommendations
- quality control in radiotherapy
-quality control of CT scanners
- quality control of linear accelerators
- quality control of treatment planning systems
- in-vivo dosimetry
D. Calculation methods for external beam therapy
- matrix system in TPS
- separation of scatter and primary beam
- pencil beam methods
- Monte Carlo calculations
E. Dosimetry for Brachy therapy

Other credits in programs
Première annnée du diplôme d'études spécialisées en santé publique (Physique d'hôpital)
