To allow the students to understand and assimilate the international rules and main roads who control various technologies allowing to convey all the forms of information.
To follow the technological and lawful development by highlighting convergences which link from now on the telecommunications networks and the "traditional" networks of broadcasting.
To familiarize the students with certain technical concepts.

Main themes
Freedom of enterprise and freedom of the press (including case-law of the CJEC)
Rules applicable to telecommunication companies and to all information society providers ("new" technologies), but also to broadcasters ("old" technologies)
Regulation, co-regulation or self-regulation of these enterprises
Specific topics such as public service and universal service, monopolies, competition, domain name protection, use of hyperlinks and metatags, protection of privacy and information technologies (cookies, e-mail, spam, etc.)
Questions of liability

Other credits in programs
Troisième année du programme conduisant au grade de bio-ingénieur: chimie et bio-industries (Technologies et gestion de l'information)
(4.5 credits)
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