- to familiarise the students with the various approaches in clinical psychology and to provide the bases for the analysis of clinical situations according to the three major conceptual systems and to the current data from the research.
- to develop the psychoanalytical approach, the systemic approach and the behavioural approach

Main themes
The course include three equivalent parts (3x30h) with the same structure:
- epistemological and theoretical presuppositions of the orientation
- description of the field of health and mental illness and catagorisation of the disorders
- etiological models and morbid processes implied in the various categories of disorders
- modes of intervention according to the morbid categories
- criteria for the evaluation of the clinical intervention and related research

Content and teaching methods
First part : on the model of the demands and teachings of psychoanalysis, study of the clinical situation and reports. Themes treated :
- methods of psychological knowledge of the person ;
- founding of the clinical approach in the meeting and the dialogue ;
- work of analysis of the request and position of referee to this request ;
- intra- and interpersonal psychological processes implied in the dynamics of the relationship ;
- share of the technic
Second part : reading of the technical works written by Freud about the suggested model of therapy and discussion on the device.

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
Team of teachers
