- to open the systemic perspective towards the study of the psychopathological displays

Main themes
This course lies in a bio-psycho-social perspective of the illness:
- it first describes how the human system surrounding the ill person constitutes an actual organisation with its own functioning and obeying specific aims often different of the aims of the person.
- it the describes how this societal organisation turned rigid is correlated with the psychological and the biological.

Content and teaching methods
1. With the help of "Human environment", to open the systemic perspective towards the study and the treatment of the psychopathological displays of the human systems: double bind, triple constraint, classical family, parentification-infantilisation, etc...
2. From the experience of the practical training, the students will point out various pathogenic organisations (case study)

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
Case studies from the literature, the experience of the teacher and the experience of the students. Some models will be played and staged by the students.

Other credits in programs
Troisième licence en sciences psychologiques (Psychologie clinique : âges de la vie et systèmes humains)
(3 credits)
