- to introduce the students to the clinical psychology of maturity and senescence: description, understanding, therapeutic and prevention

Main themes
- specific psychopathological displays of these life ages
- psychic consequences of the biological, familial and social evolution
- evolution of the psychic disorders and of the dysfunctions of personality during ageing
- pathology of the links and roles proper to these ages
- situation of these people inside the society and social reaction towards them in a perspective of "quality of life"

Content and teaching methods
1. Perspectives of the clinical approach of the life ages: stereotypes and prejudices. Demographical and social dimension (the most important social group)
2. Maturity (or rather "maturescence" as a process):
- crisis of maturity ("mid-life crisis", psycho-pathological and psychosomatic decompensations of these ages: psychology of the 40's or 50's is not the same than the 20's...)
- evolution of the affective life: couple and sexuality: influence of ageing, menopause, andropause, couple crises, sexual pathologies
- effects of work on psychic health in its positive and negative aspects (stress, burn-out, harassment...)
3. Thresholds or stages, or even rituals of ageing:
- retirement, early retirement: psycho-social effects
- modifications of family life: consequences
- illness, addiction...
4. Senescence and the varying characters of old age:
- descriptive approaches (biological, social, cultural...)

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
Lectures, reading portfolio, videos.
Participation of clinicians.

Other credits in programs
Troisième licence en sciences psychologiques (Psychologie clinique : âges de la vie et systèmes humains)
(3 credits)
