- to tackle in the point of view of scientific investigation :
1. the questions of the impact of the emotions on the person
2. the questions of the management of this impact by the person
3. the questions on the role fulfilled in this view by the expression of the emotions and by the "relation" with the surrounding and with the group members
- to present the current knowledge and theoretical conceptions on this theme in order to have bases for clinic and for education
- to contribute, through the intellectual exercise proposed, to the training of the students to the various facets of the scientific approach

Main themes
- impact of the major emotional events and post-traumatic stress syndrome, impact of the emotions of current life, question of the cognitive and social consequences of the emotional episodes, the relations between emotions and memory, the expression of emotions, the question of the respective contributions and hindrances of the processes of confrontation and avoidance with the role of individual differences.
Discussion on the data about the consequences of the various modes of management of the emotions
1. on the individual adaptation
2. on the subjective well-being
3. on the physical health
4. on the extension and diffusion of the social knowledge about the emotions.
The course will give rise to a general reflection about the question of the psychosocial integration of the emotional experiences.

Content and teaching methods
The object of the course is the impact of the emotions and of the traumatic emotional experiences on the emotional, cognitive and social further adaptation of the person. We will first consider the events liable to lead to traumatic consequences, their immediate impact and the behaviours to have in a first time. We will then examine the long term impact of these experiences, particularly on memory, on mental activity and on social relations. Particular importance will be given to the consequences of the major emotional experiences for the symbolic universe and for the social integration. The course will also examine in detail the question of the verbal expression of emotion, of its motives and consequences. To the simplistic beliefs existing in the popular representations (as in many professionals), we will confront a detailed analysis of the complex needs of the persons enduring such major events and of the manner these needs could be met.

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
Lectures with case studies realised by the students. Individual contributions with an open part and a systematic part. The data of the systematic part will be gathered according to a research plan. The results obtained will be discussed during the course.

Other credits in programs
Troisième licence en sciences psychologiques (Psychologie clinique : émotions, cognitions et comportements)
(3 credits)
