- to train to the biographic approach as well in its theoretical contributions as research (research life narration "récit de vie") and intervention (intervention life narration, practiced in group or face-to-face) clinic method.

Main themes
- Theoretically : to propose conceptual tools for the analysis of the single life histories, in an interdisciplinary view (borrowed to various fields as sociology, psychoanalysis, phenomenology, these tools will be joined one to the other in the view of reconstructing the complex whole of a life history)
- Methodologically :
1. to introduce to the life narration a) as a qualitative research tool aimed at the production of clinic knowledge (the fecundity of the method will be illustrated by the analysis of research in the psychopathological field); b) as an intervention method, in group or face-to-face, contributing to the personal development, to the counselling and to the life bill ("bilan de vie") and to the therapy of existential sufferings (concrete illustrations of face-to-face or group interventions will be presented)
2. to introduce to some current methods in the practice of life narration as the genealogical tree (or genogram)

Content and teaching methods
- to train to the biographic approach as well in its theoretical contributions as research (research life narration "récit de vie") and intervention (intervention life narration, practiced in group or face-to-face) clinic method.

Other credits in programs
Troisième licence en sciences psychologiques (Psychologie clinique: personne, destin, culture)
(3 credits)
