It will concern alternatively one of the two tests (Szondi, Rorschach) or a comparison of these:
- to deepen and diversify the methods of analysis and of interpretation of the projective data in relation with the clinical problems concerned.
- to proceed to a reciprocal testing of psychopathology and of the psychodiagnostic tool, as well for nosological research as for testologic validation.

Main themes
Each year, the theme will be chosen in relation with the theme of "Special questions on projective tests" PSY 2055. Whatever it is, the thematic will apply to clinical case studies on the basis of tests protocols.
The psychopathological field chosen could concern one (or several) of the four major themes of nosography (neurosis, psychosis, perversion, mood disorder) or some more particular syndromes (borderline states, addictive behaviours, anorexia, delinquent behaviours, etc.)

Content and teaching methods
It will concern alternatively one of the two tests (Szondi, Rorschach) or a comparison of these:
- to deepen and diversify the methods of analysis and of interpretation of the projective data in relation with the clinical problems concerned.
- to proceed to a reciprocal testing of psychopathology and of the psychodiagnostic tool, as well for nosological research as for testologic validation.
