- to train the students to the pathoanalytical approach: analysis of the psychoses, neuroses, perversions and thymopathies. Impulses, metapsychological and anthropological analysis.

Main themes
Detailed study of the four main fields in classical psychiatric nosography, inherited from the big french-german tradition. For each of these fields, the analysis will bear on the syndromatic and symptomatic expressions. Metapsychologically, it will proceed in the light of the structure of the impulse, from a topical, dynamic and economical point of view. Anthropologically, the question of the universal existentials, a part of the human structure, revealed on a suffering and pathological mode through the psychoses, the neuroses and the thymopathies will be developed

Content and teaching methods
- to define the pathoanalytical approach according to Freud.
- to show its usefulness for a psychopathology between anthropological psychiatry and pathoanalysis.
The first part of the course gives the definitions of health and of mental illness, the problem of the relations between normal and pathological, from the point of view of the freudian pathoanalysis.
The second part of the course is devoted to a clinical illustration either from schizophrenia either toxicomania either other pathologies.

Other credits in programs
Troisième licence en sciences psychologiques (Psychologie clinique: personne, destin, culture)
(3 credits)
