- to familiarize the students with the neuropsychology research by presenting them in detail the late works in the field. The contents of the course will be adjusted each year according to the themes tackled and to the advance of the research.

Main themes
The course will be organised aroud some of the major questions in late neuropsychology in fields of research for which some particular expertise exists at the UCL : visual agnosia, acaculia, action disorders, memory, deficiencies of the executive functions, etc.
- to introduce to the research methods in neuropsychology
- to show how the neuropsychological data complementarily contribute with the psychoexperimental research to the analysis of the mental processes. In this integrative approach, the originality and the specificity of the neuropsychology contributions will be explicitly underlined.
The main orientation of the course is the fundamental research.

Content and teaching methods
- to familiarize the students with the neuropsychology research by presenting them in detail the late works in the field. The contents of the course will be adjusted each year according to the themes tackled and to the advance of the research.

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
Lectures with active participation of the students throug a reading portfolio.

Other credits in programs
Troisième licence en sciences psychologiques (Neuropsychologie clinique)
(3 credits)
