- to familiarize the students with the methods of reeducation used in neuropsychological clinic and to introduce them to the various stages of intervention: pre-therapeutic evaluation, definition of the objectives, organisation and effective practice of the reeducation and appraisal of its efficiency.

Main themes
- spontaneous evolution of the cognitive disorders after brain injury: duration of the post-trauma evolution, factors of prognosis (nature of the injury, age of the subject, hand laterality, etc.) (first part of the course).
- main theoretical trends in neuropsychological reeducation (Luria, empirical french and american schools, behaviourism, cognitive and pragmatic approaches), and general strategies in reeducation (recovery of the function, reorganisation and functional compensation). For the main categories of disorders, except for language, the main currently used methods of reeducation will be studied; their efficiency and their theoretical bases will be discussed (second part of the course).
- more general problems tackled in relation with the personal, familial, social and professional consequences of the brain injury; discussion about the devices of caring and of follow-up that can be designed by the therapeutic teams (third part of the course)

Content and teaching methods
- to familiarize the students with the methods of reeducation used in neuropsychological clinic and to introduce them to the various stages of intervention: pre-therapeutic evaluation, definition of the objectives, organisation and effective practice of the reeducation and appraisal of its efficiency.

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
Lectures with active participation of the students through a reading portfolio.
Presentation of cases of reeeducation.

Other credits in programs
Deuxième licence en logopédie (programme commun UCL/ULB)
(4 credits)
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