- to present the elementary (diagnostic and therapeutic) notions of neurology necessary for a therapist being not a doctor (psychologist and/or orthophonist) having to work in close interaction with neurologists or neuropediatricians.

Main themes
- introduction to the neurologic examination of a child or an adult (included the modern technics of medical imaging)
- presentation of the major neurologic syndroms (congenital traumas, cerebral traumas, brain tumors, vascular damage, etc.)
- introduction to the degenerative and hereditary disease, in particular Alzheimer disease.
- introduction to some developmental disorders (manimal brain damage, hyperkinesia)

Content and teaching methods
The course is divided in three parts:
1. A reminder of the anatomy of the central and peripheral nervous system and lecture on the main technics of structural (brain scanner, nuclear magnetic resonance), functional (EEG, evoked potentials) and anatomo-functional (PET-scan, functional magnetic resonance) explorations of the nervous system.
2. the neurologic approach consists, from an precise anamnestic and semeiologic analysis in determining the spot(s) of neurological dysfunctioning at the origin of the motor, visual, sensory or from the autonomous nervous system complaints. The physiopathology of the neurotransmettors is also tackled.
3. Main neurologic pathologies on an etiological and nosologic (and not semeiologic any more) basis: epilepsy, vascular disorders, coma, consequences of brain damages, sleep disorders, disorders of the superior functions and dementias, notions of neuropediatrics, demyelinising pathologies.
This course has two main aims: to bring to psychologists and orthophonists the notions of neurology allowing them to hold a efficient dialogue with neurologists and neuropediatricians and to help them to realise through the late research in the neurosciences how the borders between neurology and psychiatry are moving.

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
Lectures and videos.

Other credits in programs
Première licence en logopédie (programme commun UCL/ULB)
(4 credits)
