- to train the students to the analysis of psychological problems appearing in educational contexts. The students will then learn how to devise psychological and educational interventions.

Main themes
An inductive approach will be favoured, on a different theme each year. The theme will refer to psychoeducational problematics and institutional context. From case studies and meeting of the field work, the questions will be gradually enlightened by the theory and conceptualised.
Examples of themes:
- psychological interventions in special education
- psychological interventions in day-nurseries
- psychological interventions in school with most immigrants
- psychological interventions againts aggressive behaviours at school
- psychological interventions in vocational education and with young people in dropping-out situation

Content and teaching methods
- to train the students to the analysis of psychological problems appearing in educational contexts. The students will then learn how to devise psychological and educational interventions.
The student will have to search and to present the models and theoretical concepts underlying the psychological interventions in educational contexts. A critical analysis of these presentations will be the base of detailed discussions. Through this approach, the aims of the psychological work and the role of the psychologist in these contexts will be tackled.

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
Case studies and discussion on theoretical texts
