- to train the students to analyse the psychological and psychosocial conditions related to labour and unemployment and exerting an influence on mental health
- to allow the students to question on mental health linked with the integration into the society
- to develop an applied aim of these teachings

Main themes
- conceptions of mental health applied to the work and unemployment world; to develop an multidimensional analysis of the concept: 1. cognitive (possibility of control of its own environment, possibility to exert or develope skills, feeling of personal efficacy), 2. motivational (to obtain remuneration, well-being, self-esteem), 3. social (social identity, social status, social support, etc.)
- weight of the working conditions on mental health. Study of the processes through which as well the aims of the company as the modes of work organisation affect mental health. Evidencing of the working conditions taking into account the multidimensional aspect of mental health. Analysis of the economical devices centered on criterions of economical profitability and of those aiming at social integration (social economy).
- effects of long-lasting unemployment on mental health. Beyond the deleterious effects of long-lasting unemploymenton mental health, analysis of the processes which, on one hand explain, and on the other hand favour individual or collective recuperation strategies.

Content and teaching methods
- to train the students to analyse the psychological and psychosocial conditions related to labour and unemployment and exerting an influence on mental health
- to allow the students to question on mental health linked with the integration into the society
- to develop an applied aim of these teachings

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
Lectures for the contributions related to conceptualisation and empirical data.
These lectures will be accompanied by interviews of people in professional situation or in unemployment situation.

Other credits in programs
Troisième licence en sciences psychologiques (Psychologie sociale et des organisations)
