- to give a general survey of the functioning of an enterprise and of the place of human resources management in its strategy
- to present the major processes and methods used for the psychological evaluation of the persons for their appointment, their orientation, their re-orientation or their promotion inside the organisation, and the evaluation of their work
- to tackle the major aspects of the methods used
- to initiate the students to the choice of suitable technics and processes to bring a psychological evaluation in the work environment.

Main themes
- the various models of competence and its evaluation
- the general fields on which the evaluation may bear : personality, professional interests, skills (cognitive, psychomotor, etc.)
- certification of the methods: principles of design, liability, validity (of the predictor and of the criterion), utility value analyses
- comparison of the evaluation technics and contexts (i.e. the interview, the pencil-paper tests, the assessment centers, the simulation tests, the biographical inventories).
- evaluation of the performances at work, summary of the competences, internal mobility, promotions and mutations, spotting of potentials, succession planning
- external mobility (breach of collaboration, outplacement and organisational responsability)
- internal and external approach of counselling and evaluation
- ethic dimension of competences evaluation

Content and teaching methods
- to give a general survey of the functioning of an enterprise and of the place of human resources management in its strategy
- to present the major processes and methods used for the psychological evaluation of the persons for their appointment, their orientation, their re-orientation or their promotion inside the organisation, and the evaluation of their work
- to tackle the major aspects of the methods used
- to initiate the students to the choice of suitable technics and processes to bring a psychological evaluation in the work environment.

Other credits in programs
Troisième licence en sciences psychologiques (Psychologie sociale et des organisations)
