- to sensibilize the students to the peculiarities of the global functioning of the persons with specific handicaps (mental retardation, autistic disorders, sensory retardations, polyhandicap...)
- to initiate the students with the principles of orthopedagogic intervention, aiming at the best development and the well-being of the handicapped persons, at the various life stages.

Main themes
Along their life stages, the needs and concerns of handicapped persons evolve, as well as the kinds of interventions proposed.
- prenatal period : genetic advice, screening of the handicap, modes of primary prevention, announcement of the handicap and of its implications
- perinatal period : early intervention, secondary prevention, theoretical models of intervention with the infant, theoretical models of intervention with the parents, modes of interventions of the early help services
- school period : specialized education (historial cues, orientation process, organisation) or integration ?
- post-school period : training or work in protected or common environment, leisure
- introduction to the various handicaps : mental, sensory, motor, behavioural, socio-cultural (etiology, determinants, needs) and to the various interventions.

Content and teaching methods
- to sensibilize the students to the peculiarities of the global functioning of the persons with specific handicaps (mental retardation, autistic disorders, sensory retardations, polyhandicap...)
- to initiate the students with the principles of orthopedagogic intervention, aiming at the best development and the well-being of the handicapped persons, at the various life stages.
Along their life stages, the needs and concerns of handicapped persons evolve, as well as the kinds of interventions proposed.
- prenatal period : genetic advice, screening of the handicap, modes of primary prevention, announcement of the handicap and of its implications
- perinatal period : early intervention, secondary prevention, theoretical models of intervention with the infant, theoretical models of intervention with the parents, modes of interventions of the early help services
- school period : specialized education (historial cues, orientation process, organisation) or integration ?
- post-school period : training or work in protected or common environment, leisure
- introduction to the various handicaps : mental, sensory, motor, behavioural, socio-cultural (etiology, determinants, needs) and to the various interventions.
