Alternation of the two tests (Szondi, Rorschach) or from their comparison or with other projective methods (e.g. T.A.T.) : to study the principles and theoretical models founding their diagnostic, prognostic and therapeutic scope; to appraise the specific contribution of projective psychology in the clinical approach and the interest and adequacy of its tools (producer of new knowledge) according to the life ages and the problems concerned; to contribute to the evaluation of the validity of the tool in clinical psychology.

Main themes
Each year, the chosen theme will be determined in accordance with the theme of the course "Special Questions in projective psychology with case studies". It could concern theoretico-clinical questions directly related with the conception of tests (scope and indications for the projective methods, their diagnostic, therapeutic, research and mediation functions) or the thorough study of concepts related to the tool structure (concepts of projection, of perception, of drive, of defense, of mental imagery and of psychic symbolisation, etc.)

Content and teaching methods
The aim of this course is to learn how to use and to interprete, in clinical practice, the "experimental diagnosis of the drives" of L. Szondi for what refers to psychodynamic understanding of the subject, the psychopathologic diagnosis and the therapeutic prognosis.
Part I : theory of the sixty four drive divisions related to the clinic of psychosis, neurosis, perversion, psychopathy and mood disriders.
Part II : case studies and exercises of interpretation of the tests protocols.

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
PSY 2720
