- to study more thoroughly the theoretical bases and the principles of behavioural and cognitive intervention
- to present the methods, technics and applications of the current cognitivo-behavioural therapies.

Main themes
- Definitions, grounds and principles of the current cognitivo-behavioural therapies and models of the psychic functioning and dysfunctioning about those. Special attention will be given to the close link between clinical practice on one hand and data from empirical research in general psychology and learning psychology on the other hand.
- Presentation of the various stages of the therapeutic process from the gathering of data through functional analysis and treatment, up to the evaluation of the therapeutic effects. The stages are illustrated with clinical examples. Different cognitivo-behavioural methods and technics will be presented: e.g. the different exposure methods, the operant methods, the cognitive interventions, etc. Each year specific themes will be treated. In the field of mental health, the treatment of anxieties, of obsessions-compulsions, of relational and sexual problems, of self management problems, of behavioural problems,... could be considered. In the field of physical health we will tackle the cognitivo-behavioural interventions in the field of stress, psychosomatic disorders, chronic pain, hyperventilation, food disorders, sleep problems, etc. We will also tackle the application of the cognitivo-behavioural therapies in the treatment of chronic disease (e.g. asthma), of acute or incurable disease (e.g. cancer) and in the preparation or accompanying of patients in aversive medical situations.

Content and teaching methods
- to acquire theoretical knowledge and basic practical skills in general clinical intervention and in particular, in cognitivo-behavioural therapies:
- learning theories (applied to human functioning)
- steps of the TCC process
- methods and technics of the TCC
- application of the TCC (mental health, physical health with different examples each year: analysis and intervention in the field of psychosomatic disorders, sexual disorders, behaviour disirders, relational disorders...)

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
Lectures and videos
