By the end of the course in medical psychology, the student should have gained an intellectual insight in the field of the human sciences into the doctor/patient relationship. However, this knowledge is not merely intellectual but also demands practical skills, of know-how and competence in the carer/patient relationship.

Main themes
The medical psychology course introduces students of Medicine, Psychology and Dentistry to the carer/patient relationship. Each year students select a dozen themes as entry points to the discipline (for example, seduction, adolescence, the experience of love, ageing, etc.) Starting from this choice, teaching consists of lectures illustrated by pedagogical documents (personal histories, interviews, film excerpts, etc.) followed by a group discussion. Course assessment involves presenting a personal project in the field of medical psychology, in viva voce format. Each year students must choose 12 themes from the 30 put forward by the teacher. These themes constitute entry points to the discipline. To give just a few examples: the ages of life, seduction, violence, falling out of love, ageing, death, etc.

Content and teaching methods
From a selection of 10 themes made by the students the teacher organises a lecture and theory course illustrated by film clips and interviews, with reference to a bibliography on the chosen themes. Both the theoretical and the practical aspects are indispensable to understanding the subject. At the end of each class, students are invited to react by raising questions and debating them among themselves.

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
Prerequisite :Training in philosophy, first year level. Some training in general psychology, second year level. Assessment : The examination is an oral one. From a list of 30 questions distributed at the end of the last class, students select three at random for their oral examination, when they are asked to present the main points of the theoretical teaching and to put forward a critical and personal view on the issue.
