(1) To provide the basic language used to describe quantum systems with an infinite numbers of degrees of freedom.
(2) To study in detail quantum electrodynamics, the prototype of a quantum field theory, including renormalization.

Main themes
The contents vary from one year to another, depending on the teacher who gives the course. The main themes are the following:
- Classical electromagnetism
- Canonical quantization and covariant quantization
- QED symmetry
- Mass and charge renormalization
- Feynman rules in QED and applications

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
Prerequisites: mandatory programme PHYS 21; the courses PHYS 2300, Advanced quantum mechanics (II) and PHYS 2123, Laboratory of theoretical and mathematical physics.
Evaluation: written and oral examination.
Reference books: Mandl-Shaw, Quantum Field Theory; Peskin-Schroeder, An Introduction to Quantum Field Theory.
PHYS 2221, Special questions of mathematical physics
PHYS 2310, Quantum mechanics (III) relativist
PHYS 2440, Special questions of theorical physics
Openings: 3d cycle teaching and research in theorical physics

Other credits in programs
Deuxième licence en sciences physiques
(5 credits)
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