The climatic system is formed by the atmosphere, the oceans, the cryosphere, the lithosphere and the biosphere. The interaction between the different components and the complexity of their own dynamics makes the system highly non-linear. The solutions of the partial differential equations that govern the evolution of climate depend on the parameterization of the processes included. The analysis of each subsystem and the links between them is therefore indispensable.

Main themes
1. Energetic totals in the atmosphere
2. Zero-dimension model and the greenhouse theory
3. One-dimension model and intrinsic stability and external solutions
4. Two-dimension model and transient response of the coupled system
5. General atmospheric circulation model
6. 3D model of the atmosphere-ocean-ice coupled system

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
Prerequisites: PHYS 1121( Physics of fluids I) and PHYS 2223 (Dynamics of geophysical and environmental fluids).

Other credits in programs
Deuxième licence en sciences physiques
(6 credits)
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