Reading Comprehension (main objective of this course)
This course focuses on developing the student's autonomy in reading comprehension The student should be able to read authentic articles concerned with contemporary and field-related subjects and to understand the particular viewpoints adopted by the writer.
Level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
Listening Comprehension
- To be able to follow a presentation or a lecture provided the topic is reasonably familiar and field-related.
- To be able to understand most TV news and current affairs programs provided the topic is reasonably familiar
- To be able to understand most of what is said in an everyday conversation provided standard language is being
Level B2- of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
Speaking Skills
To be able to speak about his/her everyday life and to explain his/her opinions, plans and actions.
- To be able to enter into conversation on topics that are familiar, to express opinions and exchange information on
these matters provided the standard language is used.
Level B1- of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
Writing Skills
o To be able to write short, simple notes relating to matters in areas of immediate needo To be able to write a short and simple personal or professional letter.
Level A2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
consolidation of the basic vocabulary (2000 words) and broadening of the general as well as specific (field-related) vocabulary (+/- 1500 words)
consolidation of the receptive mastery of the specific Dutch structures (passive voice, inversion, het voornaamwoordelijk bijwoord, "er, de bijzin,
The use of vocabulary and grammar is seen from a communicative viewpoint .
In the development of all the above-mentioned skills the course will aim at making the students aware of Dutch and Flemish cultural aspects.

Main themes
The course focuses mainly on the reading and listening skills
The students will be presented with different reading/listening techniques and strategies (anticipating, guessing,
) to help them read texts in a rapid and efficient way.
These techniques are applied to authentic written (classroom) or spoken texts (language laboratory) bearing on general as well as field-related subjects. The specific vocabulary will be presented and consolidated by means of these field-related texts.
The speaking and writing skills will be mostly exercised through non interactive production (reading aloud , commenting a text, answering the questions asked about the text, grammar exercises designed to consolidate the mastery of the structures,
The specific Dutch structures are presented in context (a text of lower intermediated level), after reading the text they are explained, exercised and consolidated by means of oral and written exercises.

Content and teaching methods
- 60-hours course taught 2 hours a week throughout the academic year
- Intended for the students DROIT 11 BA and the students of the first year of the School of Criminology - 5 ECTS
Pre-requisites :
level B1- of the CEF for the reading and listening skills,
level A2 of the CEF for the speaking skills and A1 for the writing skills.
Aims :
B2 level of the CEF for the reading skills (main objective)
B2- level of the CEF for the listening skills
B1- level of the CEF for the speaking skills and A2 level for the writing skills.
Contents and pedagogical approach :
- Self-study : revision of the basic vocabulary ("Woorden in Context", deel 1, L. Dieltjens e.a., éd. De Boeck
Université) and extension of the general vocabulary (Syllabus "Zelfstudie" deel 1 + CD)
- The specific Dutch structures are presented in texts of lower intermediated level, after reading the text they are
explained, exercised and consolidated by means of oral and written exercises.
- The course focuses mainly on the reading and listening skills. These skills are developed by means of
reading/listening techniques and strategies applied to authentic written or spoken texts bearing on general as well
as field-related subjects, supplied with vocabulary and comprehension exercises.
- The speaking and writing skills will be mostly exercised through non interactive production
Evaluation : continuous assessment and written exam.

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
The course being of intermediate level, a satisfactory productive command of basic grammar and vocabulary as well as the command of the language skills as described in the elementary course (NEER 1820 , Level A2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages), are required.
Classroom hours : 60 hours
Self-study : 60 hours
Self-study :
- revision of the basic vocabulary ("Woorden in Context", deel 1, L. Dieltjens e.a., éd. De Boeck Université) -
extension of the general vocabulary (Syllabus "Zelfstudie" deel 1 + CD)
In both methods the vocabulary is presented in context and semantic fields.
Lessons in groups of max. 25 students
The teacher is available during his office-hour(s) and can be contacted by e-mail.
Guidance is also provided at the Self-tuition Center (CAA) and the Multimedia Room (SMM).
Teaching material:
- Course notes : "Compréhension de textes" + audio- and videotapes used in the language laboratory
- "Woorden in Context", deel 1, L. Dieltjens e.a., éd. De Boeck Université
- Syllabus "Zelfstudie" deel 1 + CD
Formative assessment of the speaking and writing skills
Regular self evaluation vocabulary tests (cfr. self-study)
Tests are organised at regular intervals :
- at the end of the first term : vocabulary of "Woorden in Context"
- at the end of the second term : vocabulary and listening comprehension ("Zelfstudie" deel 1).
Written exam (reading comprehension, specific vocabulary and structures)
Level: First year of "Baccalauréat en Droit" (DROIT 11 BA)
Rhythm: A 60-hour course taught 2 hours a week throughout the academic year

Other credits in programs
Première licence en criminologie
(5 credits)
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Deuxième licence en criminologie
(5 credits)
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Première année de bachelier en droit
(5 credits)
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