Reading Comprehension
- To be able to understand simple texts that consist mainly of high frequency everyday or job related language.
- To be able to understand the main points of a text developing a subject.
- To be able at the end of the reading comprehension module to understand a short factual text in Dutch about a
legal topic without necessarily grasping all the details.
Level B1- of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
Vocabulary : productive mastery of the basic vocabulary (2000 words)Grammar : productive mastery of the basic structures of Dutch
The use of vocabulary and grammar is seen from a communicative viewpoint Nevertheless, accuracy is not neglected.
In the development of all the above-mentioned skills the course will aim at making the students aware of Dutch and Flemish cultural aspects.
Listening Comprehension
- To be able to grasp the main points of a short presentation bearing on a familiar subject provided the language
uses is standard and clearly articulated.o To be able to understand the main point of many radio or TV
programs on current affairs or topics of personal or professional interest when the delivery is relatively slow and
- To be able to understand enough in order to take part in a simple everyday conversation bearing on familiar matters
(study, leisure, work,
Level B1- of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
Speaking Skills
- To be able to introduce his/herself and to speak about his/her family, as well as his/her life environment in simple
- To give a short , well-prepared talk about a familiar topic.
- To be able to handle short social exchanges and to communicate in simple routine tasks requiring a simple and
direct exchange of information.
Level A2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
Writing Skills:
- To be able to write a short message inquiring about basic informationo To be able to write short, simple notes
relating to matters in areas of immediate need
Level A1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages

Main themes
The course book used is "Vanzelfsprekend" (textbook and workbook).This course covers the complete range of skills (listening, reading, writing and speaking) and the supporting material reflects everyday life in Flanders.The course is divided into 2 main sections of 5 parts each. Parts 1 to 5 provide elementary vocabulary of some 1000 words and the basic Dutch structures. Part 6 to 10 present all the language functions and another 1000 words to help the user to an intermediate level.for each part there is :- a videotape introducing the new speech acts and vocabulary in a natural context.- an audiotape meant for repetitive practice and for the learning of the vocabulary- written and oral consolidation exercises in the workbook - a revision section focusing on the current part but also covering preceding material.

Content and teaching methods
- 60-hours course taught 2 hours a week throughout the academic year
- Intended for the students DROIT 11 BA - 5 ECTS
Pre-requisites :
this elementary course is intended for real beginners i.e. for students who studied only one foreign language at school (either English or German) and subsequently never studied Dutch.
Aims :
B1- level of the CEF for the reading and listening skills (main objective)
A2 level of the CEF for the speaking skills and A1 level for the writing skills.
Contents and pedagogical approach :
The course book used is "Vanzelfsprekend" (textbook and workbook).This course covers the complete range of skills (listening, reading, writing and speaking) and the supporting material reflects everyday life in Flanders.The course is divided into 10 parts. For each part there is :
- a videotape introducing the new speech acts and vocabulary in a natural context.
- an audiotape meant for repetitive practice and for the learning of the vocabulary
- written and oral consolidation exercises in the workbook
- a revision section focusing on the current part but also covering preceding material.
Evaluation : continuous assessment and written exam.

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
this elementary course is intended for real beginners i.e. for sutdents who studied only one foreign language at school (either english or german).
Classroom hours : 60 hours
Self-study : 60 hours
Lessons in groups of max. 25 students
The teacher is available during his office-hour(s) and can be contacted by e-mail.
Guidance is also provided at the Self-tuition Center (CAA) and the Multimedia Room (SMM).
This elementary course is intended for real beginners i.e. for students who studied only one foreign language at school (either English or German) and subsequently never studied Dutch.
Level: First year of "Baccalauréat en Droit" (DROIT 11 BA)
Rhythm: A 60-hour course taught 2 hours a week throughout the academic year

Other credits in programs
Première année de bachelier en droit
(5 credits)
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Première année de bachelier en théologie
(2 credits)
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