To illustrate the role of radioisotopic functional imaging in the diagnostic strategy. To apply the radioisotopic
functional information to the understanding of pathophysiological mechanisms. To describe the importance of
functional imaging in view of the available technology.

Main themes
Application of in vivo nuclear medicine in pathology: discussion of clinical problems with the help of
radioisotopic exploration. Description of the principle of radioiosotopic exploration and application to clinical
questions. Description of the equipment and tracers used.

Content and teaching methods
1st part: GENERAL APPROACH (3 h)
- Physics.
- Radiochemistry and radiopharmacy.
2nd part: SPECIFIC SECTIONS (12 h)
- Cardiac investigations.
- Lung investigations.
- Endocrine investigations.
- Neurological investigations.
- Gastroenterological investigations.
- Oncology/Haematology investigations.
- Uro-nephrological investigations.
- Bone investigations.

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
Prerequisite: none.
Evaluation: written (open questions + MCQ)
Supporting materials: none (sources available)

Other credits in programs
Première annnée du diplôme d'études spécialisées en santé publique (Physique d'hôpital)
Diplôme d'études spécialisées en sciences pharmaceutiques (pharmacie d'hôpital)
(2 credits)
Certificat universitaire en radioprotection et en application des rayonnements ionisants (Radiopharmacie)
