Introduction to the practice of a general practice, covering the following items: - installation and organization of a home practice, a group practice, a regional framework - assuming continuity of care - legal aspects, social and legal responsibility - application and developing of criteria of quality assurance in general practice - how to develop a personal research and continuous personal medical training.

Main themes
- introduction to the accompanied practice, the European standard - installation and practical organization of a home practice, a group practice or a regional framework,- organization of the continuity of care, contribution of data processing to the practice of the general medicine - implementing new medical diagnosis and care tools in general medicine - legal responsibility and legal documents (certificates) - application of criteria of quality assurance in general medicine; implementation of guidelines and standards of quality in his practice.

Content and teaching methods
Development of a virtual project of medical practice, by working groups limited to 5 or 6 participants, privileging the meeting of experts chosen according to the problems met.

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
Oral presentation and peer-discussion of the elaborate projects of medical practice at the end of the course curriculum.
Other appropriations of the activity in the programs MED24/MG
Fourth year of the program leading to the rank of doctor of medicine (General medicine)

Other credits in programs
Quatrième année du programme conduisant au grade de docteur en médecine (Médecine générale)
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