The main objective is to give to medical students the expertise required for performing a neurological examination, a topographic diagnosis of a neurological disorder, and a differential diagnosis between the most frequent neurological disorders. A second objective, is to learn the best usage and to choose the best complementary techniques in a diagnostic process. A third objective is the ability to direct the neurological patients towards a neuropharmacological and/or a neurosurgical therapy.

Main themes
1. Semiology of the neurological diseases : a detailed description of the neurological examination is of great importance because virtually all practitioners should be able to perform such an examination adequately. This part also includes the description of the higher cognitive functions impairment and the neurological semiology in neonates and children.
2. Neurology and Neuropediatrics : these courses deal with the concise description of the most frequent neurological diseases in children and adults.
3. Neurosurgery : the neurosurgical indications and the main techniques used are described with a special emphasis on brain tumours, subarachnoid hemorrhage and hydrocephalus.
4. Neuropharmacology : the indications, contra-indications and side effects of drugs used in various neurological disorders are discussed.

Content and teaching methods
Power-point presentations, syllabi and short videos are used throughout the course. In addition, live clinical presentations are performed to show the best way for collecting anamnestic data, for performing a neurological examination and for establishing a tentative diagnosis to be supported by complementary techniques.

Other credits in programs
Troisième année du programme conduisant au grade de docteur en médecine
