The hematology course intends to teach the important blood disorders occurring in children and in adults: the inborn and acquired diseases of the blood (the anemias, the neutropenias, the thrombocytopenias), the diseases of the lymph nodes, of the lymphocytes, and the acute and chronic leukemias. The rational use of transfusion of blood and its components. Thrombosis and hemostasis.
The aims of the oncology course are the teaching of the fundamentals needed to avoid missing the diagnosis of cancer - how to deal with cancer patients - how to integrate the different treatment modalities - the emergencies in oncology.

Main themes
Adult hematology
Pediatric hematology
Oncology : The goals of the curriculum in Oncology are :
1.To provide the young doctor with the necessary knowledge to avoid any diagnostic omission.
2. To initiate the young doctor with the communication with cancer patients.
3. To teach the principles of modern therapeutic approaches and their coordination into an optimal strategy.
4. To teach how to manage the as yet too frequent oncological emergencies.
5. To discuss the management of cancer pain.
6. To discuss the principles of multidisciplinary oncology.
Seminars in hematology: blood transfusion, marrow failure, febrile neutropenia, myelodysplastic syndromes, myeloproliferative disorders, lymphomas, congenital bleeding disorders.
Seminars in oncology: breast cancer (from initial diagnosis until relapse or other complications), the approach of the incurable cancer patient

Content and teaching methods
The course includes conventional teaching and seminars
Adult hematology: the blood count - iron deficieny - vit B12 and folate deficiency - anemia of chronic disorders - bone marrow failure - myeloproliferative syndromes - lymphomas - lymph node biopsy splenomegaly - myelodysplastic syndromes - acquired and constitutional disorders of coagulation - thrombosis
Pediatric hematology: nutritional anemias - constitutional hemolysis (spherocytosis, thalassemias, sickle cell anemia, enzymatic deficiencies) - acquired hemolytic anemias - basic coagulation tests - thrombocytopenia - acute leukemias
Oncology: epidemiology of cancer and its causal factors - diagnosis and staging - therapeutic strategy - oncological emergencies - principles of radiation therapy - how to deal with cancer pain - the top five cancers in men and women - elements of psychosocial oncology
Pathology: establish a link between clinical signs and symptoms and the gross and microscopic aspects of disease.

Other credits in programs
Première année du diplôme d'études spécialisées en sciences pharmaceutiques (analyses biologiques)
