Objectives: To cover the essential physiopathological, diagnostic and therapeutic elements of gynecologic disorders, as well as the physiological and pathological aspects of pregnancy and related conditions. The relative importance of the different chapters will be dictated by the incidence of the pathologies in question. For less commonly encountered conditions or systemic disorders arising during pregnancy, the diagnostic and therapeutic approaches will be discussed.
Optional objectives: Complementary course studies in gynecology and infertility, andrology, IVF, fetal medicine and gyneco-obstetric endocrinology.

Main themes
Physiopathology of pregnancy and childbirth: Description of methods of prevention of maternal and perinatal risk and their justification - Introduction to fetal medicine - Description of mechanisms of childbirth, high-risk pregnancy.
Gynecology: Description of the most commonly encountered pathologies in current practice (pelvic and gynecologic infections; differential diagnosis of menometrorrhagia; differential diagnosis of masses; sterility and EP; menopause).
Oncogynecology: Breast, ovarian, cervical and endometrial cancer.
Medical genetics: Review of the classic and more recently established modes of transmission of monogenic and multifactorial conditions - Notions of clinical cytogenetics - Prenatal diagnosis of chromosomal and molecular disorders - Most frequently observed hereditary syndromes of cancer predisposition - etc.
Neonatology: Selective review of perinatal physiology - Necessary clinical and scientific basis for an understanding of the adjustment to extrauterine life - Management and follow-up of specific pathologies of the neonatal period.
Pathological anatomy: Relations between macro- and microscopic aspects of lesions and their clinical manifestations.
Seminar themes: Menopause - Sexually transmitted diseases - Fever and pregnancy - Pain and pregnancy.

Content and teaching methods
Teaching takes the form of both clinical degree courses and seminars.
Physiopathology of pregnancy and childbirth: Hypertensive diseases in pregnancy - Medical, surgical and gynecological pathologies associated with pregnancy - Hemorrhage in pregnancy and childbirth - Fetal adnexal pathologies - Fetal dystocia - Twin pregnancy - Cesareans and obstetric manoeuvres - Diagnosis and pathologies of early pregnancy - Factors of childbirth - The dynamics of childbirth and its surveillance - Diabetes and pregnancy - Trophoblastic disease of pregnancy - Oxytocin and induction of labour - Post-partum - Lactation - Prematurity - Fetal hypertrophy - Fetal infections - Hypoxia and fetal distress - Fetal malformations - Repeated miscarriage - Obstetric echography.
Gynecology: Infertility work-up - Respective indications for microsurgery or IVF in case of tubal sterility - Endometriosis - Extrauterine pregnancy - Gynecologic emergencies - Salpingitis and tubo-ovarian abscesses - Malformations and abnormal development of the female genitalia.
Laser indications in gynecology: Cervical cancer - Endometrial cancer - Hemorrhagic metropathy - Ovarian tumours - Breast dysplasia and tumours - Genital prolapse - Uterine fibroids.
Amenorrhea - Anovulation and PCOS - Treatment of sterility - Menopause - Lower genital tract infections - IVF - Control of human fertility.

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
Two-tiered evaluation: Evaluation of the acquired knowledge (QCM and QROC), as well as the capacity to apply this knowledge in the solution to a clinical problem by the end of the teaching trimester.
Programs proposing this activity
FARM3DS/AN Specialized pharmaceutical science studies diploma (biological analyses)
NUT2 Degree in biomedical sciences (human nutrition)
SBIM3DS Specialized biomedical science studies diploma
SBIM3DS/TC Specialized biomedical science studies diploma (clinical toxicology)
