- To provide the student with an outline of the major health problems specific to developing nations, and in particular, nutrition, maternal and infant protection and infectious diseases.
- To provide the elements necessary to define priorities as a function of the cultural and socio-economic context
- To demonstrate the necessity of adapting health care to local conditions, with existing resources, while insisting on the importance of primary health care and the integration of preventive-curative aspects.
- To provide practical information on the possibilities of action in developing nations

Main themes
The course will cover four broad themes:
1. Organization and management of health care in developing nations
2. National and international approach in the organization of health care
3. Problems related linked to health and development
4. Special topics such as anthropology and medical ethics
Special emphasis will be placed on the practical considerations and applications related to these themes.

Content and teaching methods
The teaching method will include lectures and presentations by expert speakers from a range of health and development fields and agencies. There will be an emphasis on the practical aspects of organizing and providing health care in developing nations. Active participation by students in debates will be highly encouraged.
21 hours of the course will be reserved for lectures and 9 hours for assigned readings.

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
Reading will be assigned on various topics related to heath and development.
The course will encourage active participation by students in questions & answers and debates after each theme in order to develop their critical spirit.
Evaluation will be based on a written exam consisting of multiple-choice and/or short-answer questions covering the lectures, presentations, debates and assigned readings.
