Provide students with the basic knowledge required to understand common mechanisms and the main problems arising in machine dynamics.

Main themes
Basic course in machine theory :
- Study of most common mechanisms
- Investigation of main dynamic features of machinery.

Content and teaching methods
Kinematics :
- Basic theoretical kinematics
- Pairs, kinematical chains
- Articulated systems, 4-bar systems, Cardan joints
- Cams
- Rolling contact mechanisms, planetary systems
- Plane and 3-D gears.
Friction and assemblies :
- Friction, static and sliding friction, rolling friction
- Fixed and moving assemblies
- Joints, bearings, dead angles
- Brakes and clutches
- Couplings
- Bands and belts, belt drives, chain drives.
Dynamics of machinery :
- Equivalent masses
- Inertia forces : balancing, speed fluctuations (flywheels), critical speeds (basics).

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)

Other credits in programs
Troisième année de bachelier en sciences de l'ingénieur, orientation ingénieur civil
(3 credits)
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