The course is a natural follow up of the courses Mathematical Analysis 1,
Linear Agebra and General Physics 1. It completes the skills acquired in
those courses, by combining several notions which have been studied
More specifically, the course of Mathematical Methods of Classical Mechanics
1 aims at developing the mathematical modeling of various situations, and
establishing a dialogue between the physical problems and the mathematical
techniques of resolution.

Main themes
Review of the background of the course of general physics.
Systems with one degree of freedom.
Motion in a central field.
Lagrange's equations.
Linearised systems.

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
Prerequisites: course of mathematical analysis I, linear algebra and general physics I.

Other credits in programs
Première année de bachelier en sciences mathématiques
(5 credits)
Première année de bachelier en sciences physiques
(5 credits)
