At the end of the class, students should be able to apply the marketing reasoning, its concepts, and its methods in concrete managerial situations.

Main themes
The principal objective of this marketing seminar is the development and the deepening of key managerial topics that require an interface with reality and the other functions of the company. This seminar aims at giving to students an experience in the development of a strategic marketing and in the implementation of a marketing programme adapted to the strategy selected.

Content and teaching methods
Product quality and service quality ; Analysis of consumer satisfaction; Salesforce management ; Consumer complaint management ; congruence between corporate identity and corporate image as well as any current and interesting topic.
Discussions with experts and marketers
Reading of managerial and academic papers
Analysis of concrete situation (case studies)

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
Prerequisite : Knowledge of basic concepts of strategic and operational marketing
Summary of managerial and academic papers + identification of the elements to keep in mind for analysis and decision-making in a similar situation
Preparation and analysis of case studies
Case studies, PowerPoint slides used by experts and invited marketers, copies of the assignments of the different students' groups.
Lambin, Chumpitaz, de Moerloose (2005) Marketing Stratégique et opérationnel, Dunod.
Pedagogic team:
Weekly meeting with the teacher.

Other credits in programs
Deuxième licence en sciences de gestion
(5 credits)
